Monday, June 12, 2006

zencore Take Down

Suddenly, one of my scripts at / biz / started causing issues on its hosted server. To the point that the entire server would crash. Understandably, my hosts at weren't keen for this to happen and so suspended my account.

But what caused the errant script causing the problem to become errant? It certainly hadn't changed in months even years. The script in question was a redirect script that was used for outgoing links and I wonder it if it might have been hijacked by someone for purposes unknown.

However, this means that zencore is down, and in the main that isn't a problem. The content was mainly me going on about stuff. However, "gridstat" was a service provided to give people a way of putting their statistics on their websites as a graphic image. This needs to be addressed as there are still many people using it.

So while zencore itself needs a bit of a refactor for new purposes, the gridstat service needs to come back online.



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